Monday, July 26, 2010

Pregnancy #3 The Second Trimester

Sorry, I know you've seen this picture, but this is really all I have...
Here I am at 4 months pregnant...

This photo was taken at 5 months pregnant... Did I mention that I'm not real fond of having my picture taken.

So anyway, the second trimester...

Well after about 16 weeks I was finally feeling better! Being so sick really made it hard on me to get up and get going again. It took a while to get back into a routine...okay so I'm still working on getting back into a routine. Here are some things I experienced during the second trimester...

  • you can get dizzy, black out, and even pass out and still be considered normal

  • people will look at your belly, but are still afraid to ask if you are pregnant(I think this is a good thing)

  • We found out that we were having a girl! (and yes, I was surprised, again)

  • I celebrated 31 years of life (see 5 month pic above)

  • I began resuming some of my normal, cooking, bread making...

  • Davin took a second job with Roswell Street Baptist Church. Good thing I was feeling better!
  • Feeling the baby kick and move around...That is something we all look forward to!

My new craving for this trimester is jalapenos. Yes, I was afraid to try them at first, but really enjoyed them and to my surprise they weren't hot at all!
And yes, McDonald's, your mayo still calls my name...


ME said...

You look so cute pregnant! Thanks for all the updates ) I enjoy hearing what's been going on with you guys!!!

Ali said...

you are a beautiful pregnant mommy!!!!

LLArcher said...

You are adorable and crack me up! I sincerely hope I get to meet Benavides Baby #3 as well as your other 2 SOON! Love you Alisia! So awesome how God has blessed you guys with babies.