Friday, July 23, 2010

Pregnancy #3 The First Trimester

So I thought I would break down this pregnancy into three different posts. One for each trimester. There aren't any pictures with this one...they will come. So keep checking back!

I'll post all the details by answering commonly asked questions...

1) Were you trying to get pregnant?

No. In fact we were completely surprised.

2) How did you find out you were pregnant?

I went in to see my doctor. I was having a few issues I needed checked out. During the visit I was in a lot of pain, so she sent me for an ultrasound. During the ultrasound they saw something on one of my ovaries. They wanted to rule out an ectopic pregnancy so the next day they sent me for some blood work. SURPRISE! I'm pregnant. I was completely shocked. After two rounds of blood work and three ultrasounds they discovered that I had a normal pregnancy on my hands. (or in my uterus)

3) Did you have morning sickness?

NO, I had all day can't get out of bed sickness! I was soooo sick. This pregnancy has been the worst of all three. I was so sick that all I could do was rest in the bed. I would get up and feed the kids and then go lay back down. Davin had to take care of all my normal duties like cleaning, cooking, bathing the kids, and putting the kids to bed. It got so bad that at one point we considered day care until I could get up and get going again. We were greatly blessed by our Sunday School class. They brought us meals and even came and cleaned the house and washed our clothes....You know it's bad when you are willing to let someone clean your dirty clothes. What a blessing. I think everyone needs to be involved in a great Sunday School class. Praise the Lord for the body of believers!

4) What foods could you eat? What made you sick?

At first I had a hard time eating anything. I had really bad indigestion so only bland food for a little while. And McDonald's mayo...I know that is really gross for some of you, sorry. Not sure what they are putting in that stuff, but it is good!
Coffee has been something that has made me nauseous with all my pregnancies. I made Davin brew his coffee in the garage for the first couple of months. Now I am back to having a small cup in the mornings with lots of cream and sugar...I mean a lot of cream and sugar!

No pictures for this post. Somehow I managed not to have a photo taken of me laying in the bed with out make-up on looking all me, you didn't want to see that anyway!

Stay tuned for the Second Trimester and belly pictures...


Stephanie said...

love these kinds of details!
sorry that the first part of this pregnancy was SO hard, girl. i know you are thankful that that season is behind you!

praise the Lord for great husbands and daddy's, huh?!

The Worthey Family said...

So sorry that this pregnancy was so rough...I totally understand the all day sickness, don't want to get out of bed...That's exactly how mine went with Chase, but it's all worth it!! :) Hope you are feeling better now! :)