Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The day before Easter 2009

Easter has not been one of the holidays that we were home for in the past. So, it was great this year to be near family. We just relaxed and enjoyed the weekend. These pictures are out of order...sorry about that. We went on Saturday morning to New Victoria Baptist Church for an Easter egg hunt. After the hunt we ate lunch at Five Guys and Fries and then the boys went for a haircut and the girls went for a manicure/pedicure. Above is Hudson having his hair done...just a trim!

We knew this day was coming above Naomi is sitting with Mimi having her toes and nails done. She loved soaking her feet! She sat so still the whole time and let them paint her toes and nails. They even painted little flowers on her big toes and thumbs. What a treat!
Enjoying some Five Guys! Check out the ketchup mustache! Do your kids eat ketchup on everything, too????

Family shot at the egg hunt. This is the only family shot we got this Easter. For some reason they never turn out anyway.

My parent's brought Chandler down to hunt eggs too! Isn't he a cutie??? He knew exactly what to do. In fact, my dad was having to hold him back. He wanted to run and pick up all the eggs before the hunt started.
My little helper...

Before the egg hunt I needed to iron a shirt. Naomi saw me and she pulled out her ironing board, too. Every time I would pick the shirt up I was ironing and move it, she would do the same with hers. After we were done she said, "Thank you for ironing with me." Does it get any sweeter than that?!

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