Thursday, November 6, 2008

One year on Weight Watchers

I can't believe that I've been doing weight watchers for a year now! My original goal was to loose anywhere from 15 to 20 pounds. I've lost 16 and it only took me about 4-5 months to do it. And by keeping up with my points I've managed to keep it off. I've lost it all by changing what I eat and how much I eat. I really have only worked-out a few times this last year! I still would like to lose those last 4 pounds. Maybe if I'll pull out the jogging stroller I can do it. Here are some kind of embarrassing before and after pictures. It really helped me to go back and dig these out. I can now see how far I've come.


Thanks Melea for letting me use your WW stuff, and for being an inspiration to me!


Tara said...

Way to go, Alisia! Losing weight (especially when you don't have that far to go) is very difficult! You look great!

Pam said...

You look beautiful!!! I know what you mean about exercising. Keep up the great work--you are an inspiration to me! :) I have to lose the rest of those baby pounds!

Mark, Genny, and Aivia Lindsey said...

Your children are getting so big. Miss you. I don't even remember your "before" pictures. You've just always looked great! Congrats on losing though.

Nick & Meg Smith said...

You look fabulous! So proud of you. You give me hope to get of this pregnancy weight at the end. I have never weighed this much, but I have never been pregnant either! Miss you guys like crazy!

The Brewers said...

You look great!!!!