Friday, February 13, 2009

What's been going on...

So I was really hoping for a slow start to this year. You know, a chance to catch up and maybe have a few weekends where nothing was going on. That hasn't been the case! Things have been moving along at normal speed, and here we are in the middle of February! Nothing major or too exciting has been going on, but I thought I would share some of our everyday drama...

The other day I was enjoying a nice quiet moment while the kids were playing together in their rooms. I was thinking how nice that they have each other and that they are learning to play together so well. Then I decided I would go and check on them. Here is where and how I found them...Sitting on top of Naomi's changing table!!!! Hudson had decided to give Naomi a new look with some Neosporin ointment. I've washed her hair 3 times and I still can't get it to come out!!!! I don't want to use anything that might burn her eyes, so she may be wearing the slick look for a while.I've also been working on a mural for an amazing company User Insight. I painted a world map on a large wall in their office. I used their logo as a character to map out where all UI has been all over the world. They're a company that does product testing, so UI is all over the world testing out products. It was a lot of fun doing this project! Thanks April and Eric!

The next most exciting thing that we've been doing is with all the new changes with our diet. Here is a fun one of Hudson. He was on a blueberry kick and would eat bowlfuls of frozen blueberries...What a fun treat!
Also, I haven't given up on making bread. Here is one of my more successful loaves. I finally found a recipe that is soooo delicious and doesn't require me adding bread flour. The only problem I've had is that my pan was too big and so the loaf did rise as much as I would like. Still the bread was delicious and sandwich worthy! I have a new pan and I'm going to keep on trying!
I wish I had a picture of the granola bars I've been making. They are wonderful and it's so nice to know that I can give them to my family and they aren't eating any additives or processed sugars. If you want to see the site where I got the recipe click here...Homemade granola bars


Corey said...

Ha Ha Ha, Love the new Naomi look. I cant wait for Jackson to style Miley's. Right now, when Jackson doesn't like his own hair, he wants to cut it. So I am afraid he is going to cut Miley's.

Tara said...

Oh my! Look at Naomi's hair!!! Definitely a picture for a babybook:)

Have you tried Greased Lightning to get it out? That's what Jamie's mom had to use when he put an entire container of Vaseline in his hair while dressing like the guy from the movie Grease in 5th grade... I would guess that if it could remove Vaseline, it can get out Neosporin:)

Love the mural map you painted- You are so talented! And that bread looks really yummy too!

The Brown's said...

You are so busy! Hudson did a great job on Naomi's new hair style! You definitely just have to laugh and go with it...and be so thankful that they have eachother to play with...even when they get into mischief!!!

Gina said...

The bread looks great! We love the book and are using it also! It is so much easier!! ( No pond scum to drink,etc.) Wish we could bake bread together! Gina

Stephanie said...

that picture of naomi's hair is hilarious! siblings! :)
i DID ask hollie about her bread recipe-sorry that i haven't gotten that to you yet. she is almost thru her 1 trimeser, and it has really taken it out of her...we have talked and seen each other less than ever before, adn laney has had a bad case od the croop, twice! sorry!
love the blog, girl.

ME said...

Hillarious! Naomi is so cute even though Hudson needs some work on his hairstyling!!! You are so talented!