Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So behind

Well, I am really behind on my blogging. It's not because nothing is going on. It's because it all seems to be happening faster than I can snap a picture. And I don't like to post without pictures. Here are some of the things happening in our lives...
Hudson is out of school for the summer. He also finished his second year of cubbies. Naomi has potty trained herself and is growing like a weed. Davin has been supply preaching at a local church. Our evenings and days seem to be full of activities. My goal for this summer is to teach Hudson to swim with out floaties....We'll see. Maybe I can get on sometime and post some pictures!


Pam said...

Thanks for the update!! We love reading about what's going on with the Benavides'! Love you guys and miss you!

Corey said...

Miss you all so much! glad to see you posting again>

The Brown's said...

Miss you. Really want to see you sometime, too!! Been praying!

Tara said...

So glad to hear an update from you! Sounds like you all are doing well- I can't believe Naomi potty trained herself! That's awesome!!!

Continuing to pray for you and the ministry that He has ordained!

Larissa said...

Glad to hear an update! Good luck with the swimming endeavor!! Enough exposure to the water and he'll get it for sure! :)

Unknown said...

I just want you to know that I check almost EVERY day until I get something.....