Monday, August 18, 2008


I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last put up a post! Sorry about that. I guess the lack of pictures has put a delay on things. We have moved into our new, temporary home, and it has been absolutely wonderful. I don't have pictures yet, but I'll try to explain the house. It is an older home, with a ranch layout, and a full finished basement. The kids have their very own rooms and are so excited about it. This has made life so easy. I had no idea how nice it would be. Naomi is now sleeping in a big girl bed. The first night we asked her if she wanted to sleep in it and she said, "Uh-huh." Then, we told her to stay in her bed to which she replied,"Mmh-hmm" and that was that! This was a night and day difference from our experience with Hudson. In fact, we still have to put him back in bed several times before he will call it a night.

As for belongings, we have some things here that we are trying to sell for the Howard's (who own the home) and lots of our stuff that we need to go through as well. We have it all sorted out in the basement and my goal is to go through it all within the next month. I have started setting up my "studio" in the basement. I've got lots of work to do. I just need to make the time to do it.

Hudson started "wee" School on Monday and he goes four days a week. He loves his class and his teachers, and it has been nice to spend the extra time with Naomi as well. Hudson received his first bottle of hair gel yesterday. I know that's really exciting! LOL He was thrilled and insisted on doing his own hair this morning before school. Needless to say he looked really cool!

Lately, we have refocused on praying and pursuing more intently Davin's call to vocational ministry. We know he has been recommended to several churches and we will continue to pursue all the options. If you would pray that the Lord would give Davin very clear direction on what He would have us to do we would greatly appreciate that. These last few months have not turned out as expected in many ways, and we have faced a great number of struggles, but one thing is very clear: our God is amazing! He has not once let us down or led us astray. There is no accident in where we are or in what we are doing. God is in control. We have often prayed that we would not seek after a life of ease but a life of obedience. To the best of our knowledge, that is where we are today. But we also know that a life of obedience brings great blessing. We have been so blessed during this time and I would like to share a small list of some of those blessings....

an incredible marriage
two beautiful healthy children
our health
living in a home we could never afford on our own
plenty of food to eat
two cars to drive (even though one stalls out in the carpool line)
a relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
peace and contentment in our circumstances

Not all blessings are material in nature, but we know that every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord (James 1:17)! There are so many things we are learning, and I pray that the Lord is doing the same in your life as well.


The Brown's said...

So good to read your update! We were thinking about Hudson earlier in the week w/ starting at Wee school! Our prayers are still with you and Davin as you seek God's direction-I know it's hard sometimes...esp when things don't go as we had hoped or planned...I'm right there with you! But God's timing is always perfect! Love you all!

Tara said...

Our longlost friends! I am so glad to hear an update from you:) We have been thinking and praying for you often! Thank you for your continuous testimony of God's faithfulness and grace. We sure love you guys!

Pam said...

We loved reading the update on how you all are doing! You are in our thoughts and prayers! Keep staying faithful--your testimony is amazing! We love you guys! Miss you!

The Tyler Family said...

We are thinking of you during this time. Believe me we completely understand. Keep us posted on all that is going on. We miss you all.

Stephanie said...

so glad to hear from yall! we have been checking in, hoping for an update. it is so encouraging to hear your hearts, knowing that yall are truly living in faith, seeing far beyond what our eyes can behold, knowing that He is up to His good will, to His pleasure, all the while extending His, favor, mercy, and great love on yall. Thank your for shining His light so brightly.
Thanks for the update and house description. We will be looking forward to those pictures whenever you get around to it, like there's nothing else to do, right?! :)
sure love yall.
the lyon's

Corey said...

So glad to hear from you! We pray daily for y'all. Miss you!

ErinB said...

You've been tagged, view my blog to see what I'm talking about.

PS~ glad to see the update and that yall are staying strong and faithful during a tough time. We love yall and hope to see you sometime soon!

LLArcher said...

I love reading your blogs. Your positive attitude and Godly approach to life is so refreshing. I pray I will be as level headed, kind, full of God's Grace and as good a Mom as you one day. I know we don't get to see each other much but know you are such a blessing!