Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My morning lecture

So this morning Hudson, Naomi and I were on the way to Hudson's school. Over the last few weeks I've been helping my sister by watching her son. Hudson was asking me why I had to watch him and I explained that his mommy works. Then I asked him if he liked the fact that his mommy stays home with him. He thought about it for a while and then proceeded to tell me about how he doesn't really need me anymore. WHAT!?!? He informed me that he needs Daddy and his grandparents, but not mom. So, I thought I would remind him of all the things I do for him... wash his clothes, prepare his meals, etc., etc.. Surely this will convince him. But, he still insisted that he didn't need me. Well, needless to say I was very broken- hearted. How could my 4 yr old think he doesn't need his mama? Anyway, we'll see how well this theory holds up when his shoes come untied again!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Okay, so at first Davin and I thought they were bats. The porch light was pretty dim and it was harder to see than the photo let on. (you know with the flash and all the fancy zoom) He wanted to get them down with a broom and I talked him out of it...So glad that I did! But then we realized that they weren't bats and we could see some spots on them. "Could it be chipmunks, sleeping in the corners up there" I thought. We have little chipmunks all over the place around here. But that seemed like a very odd thing to do. After we took the second photo we could see the feathers. So the answer is birds. I don't know exactly what kind. I've never seen them there before, and they were SOUND ASLEEP! We tried to make noise and wake them up, but they didn't budge. Even so, it was fun to know that we had birds over for the night. I hope they come back and see us again!

So if you know what kind I'd like to know too! I'm assuming they are not what's your guess?

Monday, May 4, 2009

What is it?

Davin just got me out of bed to see these little creatures sleeping on our side porch. It took us a while to figure out what they tell us what type of animal do you think this is???
Here is a closer shot that I took with the zoom on the camera. This one may give it away.